Sensitive Tummies: 5 Common Culprits and Gentle Alternatives
Written by Eloise Turner, Accredited Practicing Dietitian
For those with sensitive tummies, the quest for digestive comfort often involves identifying and avoiding certain triggers. In this blog post, we delve into 5 common culprits that may be causing you tummy troubles:
1. Caffeine
Starting our list is caffeine, a well-known stimulant that can often spell trouble for
sensitive tummies. Caffeine increases gut transit time, essentially speeding up the
movement of food through the gut (the opposite effect of fatty foods, as seen below).
So, if you notice some urgency or uncomfortable symptoms after your morning brew, you may want to consider switching to Republica Organic's chemical-free, Decaf coffee.
Next up are FODMAPs, a group of carbohydrate-containing foods (like onion, apples, bread, milk, and honey) known to cause gut issues. They’re hard to digest and often lead to bloating, increased gas and uncomfortable changes in bowel habits (like constipation or diarrhea). Thankfully, Fodbods have come to the rescue with their yummy range of low FODMAP snacks!
3. Alcohol
Alcohol acts as a gut irritant and stimulant which can be problematic for those with
sensitive tummies. It reduces intestinal absorption and similar to caffeine, alters
intestinal motility – the speed at which food moves through the gut, increasing the
likelihood of diarrhoea. To avoid alcohol-induced gut issues, we recommend checking out this blog post.
4. Fatty Foods
Fried and fatty foods often slow down digestion, meaning they take a much longer
time to travel through our gut. This can lead to bloating, cramping, increased gas and altered bowel habits. Easy fix though, simply switch your overly processed,
deep-fried foods for grilled, steamed or baked alternatives (this will not only benefit
your gut health but overall health as well).
5. Spicy Foods
Eating spicy foods can wreak havoc for some people, especially those with sensitive tummies! Chilli contains a natural food chemical called capsaicin which can irritate the gut and cause uncomfortable symptoms like indigestion, abdominal pain, cramps, and painful diarrhoea. If your tummy feels uncomfortable after eating spicy foods, you may want to rein in the chilli or try swapping it for some delicious herbs instead.
As you can see, navigating the world of sensitive tummies involves a thoughtful examination of dietary choices. If you’re unsure of what’s triggering your symptoms, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional to further investigate. In the meantime, you can try our suggestions above with hopes to keep your tummy troubles at bay!